Thursday, May 14, 2015

This Tummy I've Got...

So, I can't believe I'm posting this picture on the internet as it is NOT flattering even a little bit (it was rainy this morning and I had a super snuggly boy in my bed, and I just couldn't get up in time to actually fix my hair. You understand, right?!) But! As promised...a belly picture. Which, admittedly, just looks like it does when I eat too many chips and salsa the night before, which is a real thing that happened last night, but that's neither here nor there.

There they are. All 9 pounds of them (well, them, and their sacs, and their fluids, and also all of the carbohydrates that I've eaten in the last 10 weeks or so). I'm in that weird stage where nothing really fits (can I just tell you how much I hate pants right now. Who invented pants and why do they hate me?!?), but I don't actually look pregnant yet, so really it's loads of fun to get dressed every day. Maybe don't ask Nick about the fit I threw the other morning where every shirt in my closet came flying out in a flurry of hate and rage, okay?

On a totally different and way more fun note, I should probably clear up why the babies are measuring differently. There is the possibility that the eggs were fertilized a day or two apart, but likely not the five day swing that's between B and C right now. The weeks and days they tell you are more just a gauge of what's "normal." They are all right around 2 inches long from bottom to head, so they are definitely all within the normal range. B is just measuring a bit small for being 12 weeks 0 days (as of yesterday) and C is measuring  just a bit big. But, all four of them are healthy and within the normal range, size-wise.

Also, several people have asked if any of the babies are identical, and the answer to that is we won't know until they get here. If any of them are identical it would mean that one (or two) of the eggs split early enough that they all ended up in their own placenta (which happens if the egg splits within a day or two of fertilization). Because by the time we found out there were four (which was 3 weeks after my procedure), they all already had their own sacs, we won't be able to tell until they get here if they are identical or fraternal. Any babies who are different genders are 100% fraternal with each other (identical means everything is the same, down to their anatomy), but any of them who are the same gender aren't necessarily identical either. Because I had four follicles (what eggs are called before they actually release, which we saw for the last time two days before the procedure), my hunch is that four eggs released and we have four fraternal babies. But, that's just my hunch. I could be way off (I mean, I was the one who was convinced we were just having one baby for those 10 days in the beginning, so what the heck do I know?!). I guess time will tell, but in the meantime, you're welcome for that science lesson I just gave you. :)

Thanks again for all of your love and support. We are so very grateful!!

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