Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We've Turned a Corner

Today officially marks the beginning of my second trimester and I could not be more ecstatic about it!! I had a really rough end to the week last week (a migraine that woke me up in the night vomiting, throwing up 6 times on Friday, a trip to Dr. Grant and his warning that it could mean cranial pressure or a blood clot in my know. All the good stuff.), but Saturday. Oh, Saturday. I woke up feeling like a real human. It's like the fog lifted and for the first time in about 12 weeks I didn't want to die...huzzah!! I have no idea how long it will last, but it's been 5 days of feeling good and I'm loving every minute of it.

Speaking of feeling human, the babies absolutely look like little people today. I'm kind of in shock. I don't know why I didn't assume that would happen eventually, but for some reason, today I was blown away by their baby-ness. I mean, seriously. Look at them!! They are so super cute today!!

Baby A

Baby A was doing tricks today...obviously I assume he's a boy since he's showing off. In this picture he's standing on his head with his little buns in the air and his legs stretched to the left.

Baby B

So, Baby B was perfect today. I think we can assume she's a girl since she was doing exactly what she was supposed to. The sonographer (WE DIDN'T HAVE ANNIE TODAY!!!!! I nearly had a heart attack when someone else called my name, but turns out Claudette is a dream too. Whew.) kept saying, "oh what a beautiful baby. I can't get over how beautiful this one is. Oh, just perfect." And, I'm gonna have to agree...Claudette's been doing this for 25 years. Who am I to argue?! I mean, have you ever seen a lemon-sized baby sucking her thumb? Because Baby B was getting after her little fist today, and it was the cutest darn thing you ever did see.

Baby C

I'm also placing my bet on C being a girl. At first she was looking right at the camera, but as soon as Claudette wanted a profile picture of her, she turned ever so kindly to give us a perfect look. Good baby. She was also super active today - stretching her teeny tiny arms over her head and kicking those tiny legs. Precious.

Baby D

D is my other guess for boy. I mean, look at him. Also being a little trickster and laying on his face, head butting his sac like it's his job. This little guy started on his head too, but was super active today and turned for us as well...granted it wasn't the way she needed him to, but this is pretty darn cute too.

Babies A and D are right next to each other and were spooning vertically today when we started and B and C are next to each other, spooning horizontally. Clearly they are already buddying up...I hope they know the boss has already been determined, and Jeremiah doesn't plan to give up that title any time soon. They didn't actually measure the babies today, but they did listen to their heartbeats (all normal!) and measure their sacs (again, all normal), and everything looks great. Today was more to start getting measurements on me to determine how I'm doing and if and when I should go on bed rest. And, today I got a clean bill of health! Woot! For now, I can continue with my daily activities (as long as they don't include physical activity or heavy lifting...obviously Dr. Grant doesn't know what a beast I am and how my daily activity usually includes both of those things...or not. Whatever.), which is great news. 

I'll go back in two weeks to find out the genders and then after that I'll start going every week. Here's something fun - my morphology scan at 20 weeks (where they count all the fingers and toes, check for noses, mouths, eyes, etc.) is going to be so long we get a lunch break in the middle!! How fun!! I think I'll take popcorn and a soda for that - 1.5 to 2 hours in the morning and then 1.5 to 2 hours in the afternoon. Poor Annie. I hope she eats her Wheaties that day. That's a long time to be looking at and measuring my babies!! Maybe I'll bring her popcorn and a soda.

Both of my boys are doing really well too. It's stressful to plan for and anticipate four tiny babies coming into our world, but of course Nick is the most amazing person to travel this road with. He's so incredibly supportive and encouraging, keeps me laughing with his amazing baby name suggestions and punishment ideas for when they're naughty someday, and ever-so-gently reminds me to stop eating so I don't throw up (so, I may have gone through a period where I wouldn't be hungry all day and by dinner time I would be starving, so I would eat and eat and eat and then throw alllll of it up. And then cry. Because, what a waste. And also, it's just so gross. Suffice it to say that period is over. I ate first lunch today at 9:30 this morning and then second lunch - Chinese Buffet! - at 12:00. Weirdly the babies seem bigger this afternoon than they did this morning. I'm blaming them and not the two lunches, so just go with it, okay?). Basically Nick is the most amazing human on the planet and I am continually amazed that God chose him to be my husband. I married up, people.

And Jeremiah. Sweet Jeremiah. He's had a tough spring between his allergies trying to kill him (we got in to a specialist and he's basically allergic to the great outdoors) and his mommy being sick all the time, but he is hanging in there like a champ. He is so excited and talks about and to the babies all the time. He always wants to know, "what are the babies saying now?" (like, he asks so often and so frequently that sometimes the babies run out of things to say and have to tell him, "um, we're just sleepy now so we can't talk.") and likes to tickle them and look at the pictures of them. I really hope his enthusiasm for them doesn't diminish before or when they get here, because right now, he is still super pumped and it's adorable.

Daddy made homemade ice cream last night, so naturally we had to eat it outside. And for some reason homeboy needed his shirt off because, "I like the way it feels naked." Oh, that kid. He always has us in stitches. What a hoot.

Thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm for these sweet peas. We are so grateful to have such amazing friends and family along for the journey!!

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are so entertaining. :) Seriously, you will be so happy that you documented everything, because someday you will look back and it will seem like a total blur! Glad you are feeling like yourself!
