Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Quick Update

Hi Friends,

Just a quick update to let you know that we got some more discouraging news at the doctor this morning. The length of the "trap door" has shortened again and is now only ranging between 19-22mm (it was ranging between 22-28mm last week). Ideally it would be in the 30's, and while it is a muscle that can contract and expand, it looks as though mine is trending the wrong way. So, I'm going to have surgery to sew it shut tomorrow and pray that buys us more time to keep these babies cooking. The surgery itself shouldn't be a big deal, but they are going to keep me for a day or two to do a magnesium drip, which will "settle anything we stir up during the surgery" and help keep the contractions at bay. Apparently that's the part that's not fun and will make me feel super, a throwback to first trimester? How exciting. :) The other thing about this procedure that has me really nervous is that Dr. Grant doesn't love doing them because they don't always work and at this point in gestation it could rupture a membrane and would likely be fatal to the babies. Typically they do this in the first trimester for women who have a history of problems with their trap door. But he also knows that this might be the only hope we have of getting these babies to 24 weeks (at which point they will be viable) or beyond.

I hate being such a Debbie Downer, but we covet your prayers during this time, and I'm so thankful for you all giving me space to be frustrated and lament and ask for prayers. Nick and I continue to remind ourselves (as so many of you so faithfully do as well), that ultimately God loves these precious babes more than we ever could, and He knows the story He is writing for them. There is so much we could be anxious about, but we are fighting for peace that can only come from Jesus in the midst of this storm. But, truth be told, we're struggling. In addition to the lives of these little ones, we worry about all the bouncing around and instability that this has created for Jeremiah. Which maybe wouldn't be a huge deal to a 4.5 year old who doesn't have the history of trauma and transition that our sweet pea does, but could do some major damage to our boy. The last thing we want for him is to think that because we're having four babies, he no longer has a place in our home. So would you please pray for him too? That he would feel loved and cherished by his mommy and daddy but would also have so much fun at all of the grandparents, cousins, and friend's houses who have so generously opened their doors for him that he doesn't think for one second that he's not coming home to our house?

Because I can't leave you without something super fun from today, a super creepy/awesome picture of Oliver for your viewing pleasure:

You guys. That's his eye lens!! He's got eye lenses!!! He's facing us with his head on the left and the big black space is his brain. Right under that? Eyeballs. And it's so creepy but so cool, and that's what I'm taking away from today's appointment. I'm remembering that these babies are growing and getting all of their tiny body parts and they have good heartbeats, and for all of that we can rejoice. Thank you for continuing to pray for them...I'm hopeful that tomorrow will go super smoothly and this will be just another way God continues to show himself faithful when we get to the other side of it. "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." Hebrews 6: 19. We are thankful for the hope we have in Christ and are resting in that tonight.


  1. So many prayers heading your way!

  2. Praying praying in Illinois.

  3. Praying praying in Illinois.

  4. Praying with you for all your needs. 😊❤️

  5. So, I had just typed a longer comment and lost it as I went to publish!! I'll try again!
    Due to a traumatic and ultimately damaging delivery of my first, I had a weak "trap door" that could no longer carry a growing baby. But we didn't know that until I was 20wks pregnant with #2 and 3cm dilated. I had an emergency cerglage. And it was terrifying. But at the same time, I felt overwhelmingly at peace as I entered the OR after praying with my family and our doc. A series of other scares led to hospitalization, but we made it to 28wks! She made it much farther than docs expected God was incredibly faithful and gracious to us. I had a preventative cerclage placed at 14wks with #3 and he made it to 35wks.
    It is scary. And it's ok to be scared even when you know your hope lies in Jesus. But it's comforting to be in the arms of He who has conquered fear. We serve a mighty God and He is The Great Physician. He is bigger than statistics. He is steadfast when we waver. I'll pray for you and your family to have overwhelming peace from the Spirit. I will pray for confidence and steady hands. I can be hereas a prayer and encouragement resource. Just contact me!
    I will pray also for your son to be encouraged by your faith and to remember this time as one in which his mom leaned on and trusted in Jesus without doubt!
    In Christ's Grip, from The Bronx.

  6. Dempseys are praying for you, all the babes, nick, and Jeremiah, too!!

  7. Your friends in Newton holding you close in our prayers and our hearts! Kathleen and Jim

  8. Your friends in Newton holding you close in our prayers and our hearts! Kathleen and Jim

  9. Your friends in Newton holding you close in our prayers and our hearts! Kathleen and Jim
